Gallery » Trips » 2005-06 Switzerland, Germany » Day 5  (22 Slides)     [Page 1 of 2] :: Jump To  
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Lugano, St Gotthard Pass - Switzerland

IMG_4330 * 333 x 500 * (109KB)
IMG_4334 * 333 x 500 * (165KB)
IMG_4338 * Lake side cafe at Lugano * 333 x 500 * (121KB)
IMG_4339 * 333 x 500 * (143KB)
  Lake side cafe at Lugano  
IMG_4346 * 333 x 500 * (118KB)
IMG_4354 * La Tinera, our favorite restaurant. Our recommendation: Pasta in garlic oil with pepper; Pork knuckles * 750 x 500 * (206KB)
IMG_4362 * 333 x 500 * (102KB)
IMG_4364 * 333 x 500 * (113KB)
  La Tinera, our favorite restaurant. Our recommendation: Pasta in garlic oil with pepper; Pork knuckles  
IMG_4365 * The 28-inch thigh * 333 x 500 * (134KB)
IMG_4368 * 750 x 500 * (304KB)
IMG_4373 * 333 x 500 * (106KB)
IMG_4376 * 333 x 500 * (150KB)
  The 28-inch thigh  
IMG_4382 * It's not chocolate if not from Swiss , said one of Addy's labmate * 750 x 500 * (237KB)
IMG_4404 * St Gotthard Pass * 750 x 500 * (232KB)
IMG_4408 * 333 x 500 * (147KB)
IMG_4417 * 333 x 500 * (169KB)
  "It's not chocolate if not from Swiss" , said one of Addy's labmate  
  St Gotthard Pass  
Album last updated on 3/27/06 1:09 AM
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